Convenience. Courtesy. Responsibility. Smokebuddy

Sustainable manufacturing

Smokebuddy’s Eco Series kickstarts a new era of environmentally sustainable manufacturing initiatives to offer plant and paper-based products that reduce waste, conserve energy, and minimize pollution. By sourcing our materials from renewable resources, we limit our impact on the environment and contribute to a more resilient and healthy planet.


Smokebuddy's new, all-paper filter (with compostable packaging) eliminates the use of plastic in both our manufacturing and distribution process. This revolutionary filter embodies Smokebuddy’s ongoing commitment to develop eco-friendly, innovative products within the smoking industry and pave a way towards a more sustainable future.


Using sustainable resources in manufacturing helps the earth by reducing the depletion of natural resources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and mitigating the impact of human activities on the environment. This is achieved by sourcing materials from renewable resources, reducing waste, conserving energy, and minimizing pollution. Overall, sustainable manufacturing practices contribute to a more resilient and healthy planet.


Smokebuddy personal filters purify the air by filtering out contaminants and removing smoke and odors. By eliminating the impact on your immediate area, your neighbors and the environment, you’re free to smoke safely and responsibly when and where you want; not when and where you can. There are no batteries or filters to replace, no apps to download, no assembly instructions required. Your Smokebuddy provides a more comfortable, healthier environment for you and those around you.

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